Quillaja: more than just an ingredient for Delacon
Just like plants and animals, good partnerships need to be fostered. That´s why Michael Fischer, Delacon’s Global Business Operations and Supply Chain (BOSC) Director for Additives, and KlausPöllmann, BOSC Director Austria, set out on a journey. Their destination? Chile, South America, where Delacon co-owns a Quillaja production site, and the place where the more than 20 - meter high (1) and 100-year-old Quillaja trees are native.
Delacon’s Fitotek brings food to the community
In 2019, Delacon and Fitotek initiated an educational project. The idea was to do the same in 2020. However, Covid-19 and lockdown in schools made this impossible. Hence, Fitotek takes another social responsibility now.
Education is the passport to the future, isn’t it?
Recently, Paulo Tomargo reached out with great news from Chile. We, Fitotek and Delacon, are supporting an educational project. It takes place in Putaendo, a region that is “very rural and rather poor in economic opportunities,” explains Paulo. “The idea was to make certain know-how available for teachers in country-side schools,” he says. In several lectures, they are developing new skills for them and their students.
Quillaja – A big tree with a big impact (part 1)
After presenting you a roadmap, considering of seven substance groups, we want to dive one step further into the phytogenic universe and take a precise look at various ingredients. But where to start? Saponins often stand in the shadows of other substance groups like essential oils. Therefore, we decided to put Quillaja as a first ingredient into the spotlight. Discover what impressive details will be unveiled!